CFNI - Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute
CFNI stands for Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute
Here you will find, what does CFNI stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute? Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute can be abbreviated as CFNI What does CFNI stand for? CFNI stands for Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute. What does Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute mean?Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute is an expansion of CFNI
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Alternative definitions of CFNI
- Christ For The Nations Institute
- Cancer Focus Northern Ireland
- Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa
- Community Foundation for Northern Ireland
- Community Foundation of Northern Illinois
View 6 other definitions of CFNI on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CATS Caribbean Foundation of Theological Schools
- CHRC Caribbean Health Research Council
- CHTI Caribbean Hospitality Training Institute
- CHA Caribbean Hotel Association
- CARIRI-Trinadad Caribbean Industrial Research Institute
- CAGRIS Caribbean Information System for the Agricultural Sciences
- CISCLA Caribbean Institute and Study Centre for Latin America
- CIMH Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology
- CIFST Caribbean Institute of Food Science and Technology
- CARIMAC Caribbean Institute of Media and Communications
- CARIAD Caribbean Institute on Alcoholism and Other Drug Problems
- CIMI Caribbean Inter-Cultural Music Institute
- CAMDA Caribbean Management Development Association
- CMRC Caribbean Marine Research Center
- CMA Caribbean Medical Association
- CMO Caribbean Meterological Organization
- CNIRD Caribbean Network for Integrated and Rural Development
- CANA Caribbean News Agency
- CNO Caribbean Nurses Organization
- CAROSAI Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions